Sunday, July 28, 2013

9 July 1859

July 9 - Fell in with a brig, The Rigby of Liverpool, bound for Perambuco with fish. She hailed us and asked for the doctor, her captain being dangerously ill. The doctor went off as requested, and returned in about three hours.
Our Voyage to New Zealand Per the Tornado (by a Glasgow Emigrant) Glasgow Herald December 19, 1859

July 9. Head the evening hailed the brig “Chelsea” from Newfoundland to Pernnumbuco - her captain dangerously ill, a request was made for our Doctor to be sent off. The mate and 4 sailors with the Doctor went in a boat. On their return our mate mentioned that the Captain of the Chelsea was a young man - his first voyage as Captain - that our doctor had bled him and recommended some nutritious food - sago, arrowroot etc. but he had none on board and was willing to buy some from our ship. They all expected the Captain would allow the boat to return with the medical comforts as we had plenty but he ordered our sailors to set sail and made off - shameful.
Campbell, Alexander. Letters and papers, 1859 - 1870. Auckland War Memorial Museum Library. MS 50.

9th. A beautiful morning. The breeze moderate all day and improved a little after sunset. About five this afternoon a brig came in sight apparently homeward bound but soon she was observed to bear down towards our course and hoisted a light to gain attention. This roused all on deck that could get. She gave us the usual salute to which our captain responded enquiring who she was and whither bound. She answered by stating she was a Liverpool ship laden with fish from Newfoundland to Brazil South America. He captain was very ill and she begged the attendance of our doctor who was immediately sent in a small boat manned by four sailors, the chief mate and the doctor with his medicine chest. Our sails were turned to stop the ship and wait for their return. We were all anxious to hear about the sick captain and when the boat returned we were told that the poor man was suffering from inflation and desired a little sago and arrowroot. But our captain said he had none to spare and on we went leaving the lonely sufferer in the distance like a speck on the moonlit sea to the mercy of our Gracious God whose supplies never fail and whose help is never denied.
Booth, Thomas. Papers, 1857 - 1859. Auckland War Memorial Museum Library. MS 2002/56.

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