Campbell, Alexander. Letters and papers, 1859 - 1870. Auckland War Memorial Museum Library. MS 50
14th. A dull morning with light hazing rain. The breeze not so brisk yet doing well making about 10 knots per hour. In the evening it was fine though cool and a Wesleyan was to preach to us but he thinking it too cold went to his bunk (or bed) instead of preaching to us. At bedtime our way was lit up by the clear light of the full moon which has it travelled forth in majestic splendor cheerfully hailed us in our lonely way and while the little angry waves leap and toss and foam in wild confusion like the disordered passions of depraved nature, the Queen of the night with all her orderly retinue attired in silvery splendor look on all the confusion beneath and with calmness and serenity which appears peculiar to things above would seem to beckon our attention and hearts from the disquietude of our present pilgrimage as if to suggest that upward lies the land of rest and that we are while in our present dwelling far too low for the engagement of undisturbed peace. Today we are said to pass the antipodes of Greenwich about noon.
Booth, Thomas. Papers, 1857 - 1859. Auckland War Memorial Museum Library. MS 2002/56.
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