Sunday, July 28, 2013

10 July 1859

10th The Sabbath comes again with a fine morning. We are sailing at a good rate with a strong and steady side wind which keeps the ship on her beam ends so that her deck is quite steep and our table and bed are all on one side. The clergyman held his services twice but they create no interest. We could not raise a class some of our friends rather sickly. In the evening I was expected to speak but the wind was so high it was thought I could not make them hear. We sighted the sail of a barque this afternoon and passed her at some miles distance and she disappeared before sunset. We sail splendid this evening full twelve knots per hour. It is called the best bit we have had. And although the breeze is so strong it is not cold and the sea is very calm. The sparkling and luminous appearance of the spray has often been remarked during the voyage. Tonight exceeds all we have been before as it foams and hops(?) along in the splendid moonlight almost bright enough to reflect a shadow. It resembles boiling metal the most of anything I can remember. It is worth sitting up at night to admire its features so resplendent with a glory which like the residue of creations vast panorama excites our wonder and admiration but beggars words and defies all our abilities to describe its magnificence and awful grandeur.
Booth, Thomas. Papers, 1857 - 1859. Auckland War Memorial Museum Library. MS 2002/56.

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